The Great British Bake Off and all other associated rubbish, Strictly I mean you here, can wait. In order for the title of this review to mean something I suggest you buy this programme and clear your viewing schedule for a while. You'll be chuckling for days over many of the lines and gags. The cast are uniformly perfect, making it tough to pick a favourite, though I think Will Arnett's 'Gob' had me in stitches more than anyone.Īll up, as perfect an antidote for the blues as one is ever likely to find. I haven't laughed out loud so much in years.hilarious characters, rapid fire moments of comic brilliance - which demand repeat viewing to take it all in.

Just how this utterly brilliant comedy passed me by years ago is a mystery as it really is some of the best and wackiest comic excellence ever to hit the airwaves. Audio commentaries from cast and creator, a lot of deleted scenes, bloopers, numerous featurettes, interviews and even a nice bonus uncensored pilot episode (which never aired). A terrific collectors box set with all 3 seasons and a bounty of extra features. Having caught a dozen side splitting episodes I immediately placed an order through Amazon for the whole darned box set - and I wasn't disappointed. I recently accidentally caught it on re-run and within 3 minutes it had me.hook, line and sinker!

I'd never seen any ARRESTED DEVELOPMENT back in the day as it was on an obscure channel at an equally obscure time. I'm not English: I apologize for all kind of errors you were forced to read. The three different seasons have their own plastic case, all wrapped in a light carton-box. I don't know the reason (it could be my DVD player, my television, the camera that was used to shot the show, or something in the process from film to DVD), but it's a thing that I didn't notice on the other DVD that I own, and if you're interested in the product you should be aware of it. There seems to be something problematic once the dvd upscales to the HDTV resolution: the image lacks of quality, looking like a VHS (ok, not so bad). I also want to add something related to the video quality, but please keep in mind that I'm not an expert. For every season many special features: a lot of episode commentary, bloopers, deleted scenes and other specials. I am a lover of classic sit-coms, and I can't stand all the single camera comedies.Įxcept in this case: `Arrested Development' is an original, brilliant and funny show, capable to astonish the viewer in every single episode with its smart script and unexpected ideas.Īll the series' episodes with English subtitles.